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Since Jesus is the center of our lives, the Morningside church family believes in worshipping God in spirit and in truth.  Evangelizing across the street and around the corner and all over the world, fellowshipping with all believers regardless of race, age or culture, building dreams, equipping believers with the word of God to help heal hurts, disciple champions through small groups, believing in giving generously, maximizing every individual to a higher dimension of triumphant living to the glory of God.


Church Theme : 


God’s Plan  -  Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.


Church Contact Information:


Phone – (817)-923-6396     

Email address –


Pastor's Contact Information:


 Pastor’s study – (817)-923-8819

 Cell Phone – (682)-313-6759

Office hours:


Monday thru Friday – 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.  Some days the hours may vary.


Dress Code:


You do not need to dress up to attend worship service, however, we do request that you dress decently and comfortable.  


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Rev. Donald R. and Linda Mathis Sr..jpg

Pastor Donald R. Mathis, Sr. was born to the parents of Mcclendon and Cleatta Mathis on September 20, 1955.  He is the youngest of 5 children and a native of Fort Worth, Texas.  Pastor Mathis graduated from Polytechnic High School in 1974.


In 1977, he began working at the General Motors Assembly Plant in Arlington, Texas.  While working there for almost 32 years, he served in various capacities of the union.  One of his most fulfilling positions was serving as the Accommodating Disable People in Transition (ADAPT) Representative.  While in this position, he was responsible for finding employees with work related restrictions jobs within the plant in order for them to continue working without any loss of salary.  In 2009, Pastor Mathis retired from General Motors.


Although he retired from on career, he is currently employed with the United Educators Association as the Director of Education Support Personnel/Auxiliary Staff.  In this position, he represents and supports employees in many facets in school districts throughout the metroplex.


In 2002, Pastor Mathis accepted his call into the ministry.  He served as an Associate Minister for 15 years under the leadership of the late Albert E. Chew, Jr. at the Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church.  In this position he was blessed to serve the people of God by preaching, teaching, baptizing, and leading the church security ministry.  Pastor Mathis considered it a blessing to do whatever was necessary to reach souls and encourage those who believe that following a true and living God is the only path to eternal life.


After being out of school for almost 40 years, Pastor Mathis decided to further his education by attending Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.  In May of 2018, he graduated with a Bachelors of Arts and Humanities.


Pastor Mathis has been married to the lovely Linda Mathis for 16 years and is the proud father of 5 children and 7 grandchildren.



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Pastor Emeritus

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Assistant Pastor

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Chairman of Deacons

Chairman of Trustees

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Finance Chairman

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Media Chairman

Benevolent Chairman

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Church Secretary

Church Staff
Church History


Morningside Missionary Baptist Church was organized 54 years ago under the leadership of the late Rev. Henry L. Montgomery with his late wife Mrs. Ollie Montgomery by his side.  Through faith, a vision, hard work and prayers Morningside was organized in August 1965.

Rev. Montgomery and “5” loyal committed men met at the Community Baptist Church were the late Rev. Homer Williams was the pastor, moderated by the late Rev. A.L. Dunn of the West Texas District Association.  After the meeting MMBC became a reality.  All of the “5” men are deceased. They are Bro.  James Gaskins who donated the property the church now stands on, Bro. Ludy Watkins, Bro. Calvin Sims, Bro. Carl W. Clark and Rev. Oree Johnson.    


The congregation met for over a year above the old Roger Hughes BBQ place that was located on West Rosedale Street before moving into the new church edifice.  The church had fire damage causing a delay of six month or more before moving into the newly constructed building at 953 East Baker Street in February 1966.  The church was originally named Antioch Baptist Church which was later changed to its present name Morningside Missionary Baptist Church.  The church note was paid in full and the note burned on August 21, 1988.  A house to serve our Lord was built on solid ground.


MMBC has had five pastors, the late Rev. Henry L. Montgomery who served 17 years (1965 – 1982).  Rev. Jewel E. Grandbury served for 3 years (1982-1985).  The late Rev. Aaron A. Frank served for 2 years (1986 – 1988).  Dr. Kenneth R. Walton served as our interim pastor from November 1988 until January 1989.  Dr. Kenneth R. Walton was installed as the pastor on January 15, 1989.  Dr. Walton served for 31 years until his retirement in December 2019  (1989 – 2019) and is currently the Pastor Emeritus.  The Rev. Donald R. Mathis Sr. is the current pastor.  Rev. Donald R. Mathis Sr. was installed as the pastor on January 12, 2020. 


Under Pastor Walton’s leadership many souls have given their life to Christ through his preaching and teaching.  Some of the great accomplishments under his leadership in his early years as the pastor are; flags installed, church windows stained, wall to wall carpet, the baptism pool enclosed, light fixtures with ceiling fans, church pews recovered, entrance doors re-stained with the recessed cross in them and the ceiling with the cross.  


In the 2000 era, we purchased 4 additional lots, new copy machine, new sound system, air conditions replaced, new organ, reconstructed and replacement of the lighted church sign, handicap ramp installed and some renovation to the church.  With this renovation, the pastor’s study enlarged and moved from the back to the front of the church.  The finance room moved and a sound room put in.  A glass podium was installed.  The pews in the choir stand were replaced with chairs and the chairs in the pulpit were recovered.  MMBC was blessed with the ordination service of Rev. Mack Slater Jr. on Sunday, June 22, 2008 by Pastor K.R. Walton.  There have been many associate ministers that have served under the leadership of Pastor Walton and currently we have Rev. Mack Slater Jr. – assistant pastor.  


In the summer of 2014, there was more remolding which included – replacing the ceiling, installing new lights fixtures with ceiling fans, replacing the carpet and painting the sanctuary.  The pews in the sanctuary were also replaced with chairs.  A new communion table, offering table and a standalone podium was purchased.   


In July 2019, Rev. Donald R. Mathis Sr. begin serving as our interim pastor. The members of Morningside Missionary Baptist Church installed Rev. Donald R. Mathis Sr. as the pastor on January 12, 2020.  Since his tenure started he has been preaching and teaching the gospel.  From January to April 2020, there has been three new members that have united with MMBC.  Under his leadership a parking lot on the east side of the building was put in.  Repairs were done to the front of the church.  The roof of the church was replaced.  In March 2020, repairs were done to the foyer and bathroom in the front of the church and new tile floors were installed. The alarm system was updated.   


In March 2020 when Covid-19 caused the church to be closed, Pastor Mathis continued to spread the gospel via streaming live on Facebook.  Pastor Mathis continued to reach out to the members by phone to be sure everyone was safe doing this time of a national pandemic.  


In April and May 2020 the fellowship hall was remolded, laminated floor replaced the carpet, new ceiling fans installed and a pastor’s study was built in the fellowship hall.  In June 2020 new carpet was installed in the sanctuary and the church sign was repainted and new signs were replaced.  In July 2020 the church office was repainted and hard wood floor replaced the carpet.  A Bluetooth tablet was purchased to add to the media department so service can continue to be streamed live via Facebook.  

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